James Novakowski

Massage Therapist

James is a massage therapist practicing Swedish, deep tissue, and trigger point massage, as well as subtle body work, energy work, and Reiki. He trained at the Sedona School of Massage in 2010, and recently returned to the Upper Valley. James possesses a varied movement background including yoga, dance, and athletics, that allows him to support a variety of clients in working toward their goals through body work.

Additionally, James completed a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in 2019, and has a movement background rooted in Contact Improvisation, Ecstatic Dance, Partner Dance (Blues and Blues Fusion), Rock Climbing, Running, Biking, Swimming, Hiking and Skiing. Training in each of these areas gives maps for how he works with the body and is able to work with and support different movement patterns and client goals in working together.


Lela Jaacks


Dr. James Stahl